It is only performed upon our practitioner’s recommendation.

PHHC Four Hands Osteopathy
4 Hands For Kids
PHHC Team - Crano Sacral Osteopathy for insomnia or difficulty falling asleep, dizziness or hearing or vision problems
4 Hand for Acute Back Pain
PHHC Team - Acting on a patient suffering from a serious full body pain rooted in a improperly treated back pain.

How can this osteopathic methodology help You?

This unique and amazing treatment treats the same cases as traditional treatments. But, .. It is mostly  used to address complicated conditions (i.e People of determination, …). Since it is a very powerful technique, this therapy is only prescribed by expert practitioners after reviewing your specific case. Nevertheless, we usually apply this method for the following conditions :

How is Four Hands Osteopathy Performed ?

As it requires four hands, such osteopathic techniques requires two highly qualified and experienced practitioners. Although it is an extremely gentle manipulation, it is also very  powerful in term of healing. Practitioners require  very strong focus while you will be lying down relaxing on the table.

Our sessions generally lasts 60 minutes. Your osteopath will discuss with you on the terms and conditions that apply for this treatment. Usually a single session is enough for your symptoms to improve. Only very serious disorders may need a number of subsequent sessions.

To cure disease the abnormal parts must be admitted to the normal… We must have a perfect image of the normal