Frequently asked questions on Osteopathy

General FAQs on Osteopathy

Do I require a Prescription from My Doctor ?

Your osteopath is a health professional capable of making an exclusion diagnosis.
He can therefore receive you as a first step without a prescription from your doctor.
However, to ensure the reimbursement of the osteopathy consultation, some insurances will require a prescription from your doctor. This depends on your insurance company and your level of coverage. Contact your insurer for more information.

Are there any side effects / counter indications for Osteopathy ?
There may be side effects after an osteopathy session. Indeed, you may experience muscle aches, fatigue, and stronger aches, generally 24 to 48 hours after the session. This is normal !! It is the time needed for your body to adapt. The only counter indication lies with the treatment techniques. All DHA licensed osteopaths are qualified to choose the most suited technique.
In any case or if you have doubt, do not hesitate to contact your osteopath to discuss it.
How long should an Osteopathic session last?

The duration of an Osteopathic session depends on the patient, his condition and the skill of your osteopath.
In general, the more experienced the practitioner, the longer the session. So, a 45 minutes to 1 hour session is usually the best standard for adults, to guarantee you will get significant and noticeable results and improvements.
Caring for a baby or child may take less time (around 25 minutes). Indeed, Baby & child physiology and metabolism being different from that of an adult.

Will I need to undress for the session ?

No ! It is very rare (5%) that the osteopath asks you to undress partially or completely.

Normally, wearing loose clothing is recommended  for the session, allowing you to move around comfortably.

If this occurs, and in all cases he must have your consent and explain to you why he needs you to uncover part of your body.

Frequentky Asked QuestionS
The last Osteopath i saw, made "my bones crack", Is that normal ?
It's not your bones that are cracking, but a joint decompressing (like a suction cup that pops when you pull it). These manipulation techniques are part of your osteopath's toolbox.This is a more or less precise tool depending on the skill and mastery of the osteopath (usually beginner's choice).
At Physical Health & Healing Center, we will usually value softer techniques.
Is Osteopathy Painful?
No. Osteopathy is absolutely not painful when practiced with mastery. The techniques used are painless on a healthy body. It may happen to feel discomfort or slight pain if you press on a part of the body in pain.
This is more linked to the inflammatory state of the body in question rather then to osteopathy itself.
I have more pain than just after the session, is this normal ?
Yes, this may be normal for 3 days but should reduce afterward and then totally disappear.
This is the time needed for your body to adjust after the session and show your mobility is restoring.
However, If the pain persists for more than 72h or if you have any doubts, do not hesitate to contact your osteopath who will advise you.
Does my Health Insurance cover Osteopathy ? Which one do you accept ?
Yes, Most insurance companies cover Osteopathy (under Complementary Alternative Medicine) but the level of coverage depends on your contract. PHHC only works through Pay & Claim, we do not accept direct billing. Indeed, direct billing system does not allow us to maintain a high quality of care (i.e price fixed & imposed by the insurer, late payments, reduced salary for doctors, fosters cash cow behaviors, etc...)
Which Osteopath should i choose ? Are they all the same ?
Every Osteopath has a good initial training, but, as it remains a manual job, the more experienced the osteopath is, the better. Each osteopath has a toolbox from which he chooses the most suited techniques for your condition. It is interesting to note that osteopaths trained in France often have a more complete toolbox when they leave school. Furthermore, there are also differences in the therapeutic approaches which depends on each osteopath

Pregnancy Related FAQs

Can Osteoapthy Help me avoiding C-Section ?
Currently there is no scientific evidence that osteopathy helps preventing C- Section. However, during pregnancy the osteopath will aim to maintain a good pelvic mobility and relax the abdominal cavity muscles. This will reduce the Strain on the uterus and the baby. Post C-Section studies show that osteopathy is of interest to address scars and adhesions that may lead to lower back and Back Pain.
Can Osteopaths Help if my baby is in Breech Position ?

Yes, Initial scientific studies suggest so. There would be twice as many reversals of the baby when there is osteopathic treatment. Be careful, however, the osteopath does not turn your baby around, he works by allowing your baby to roll over if he wants to, but does not force anything....

This maneuver (if it is done) must be done by your gynecologist.
FAQs on Pregnancy

Babies and Children Related FAQs

FAQs : Is osteopathy safe for Babies and children ?
Is Osteopathy safe for babies?

Yes. Osteopathy is a gentle and safe, hands on treatment modality.

Post treatment you may notice the baby feeds or sleeps better, or they may also open their bowels more frequently.

They may also be unsettled for a few hours however this is temporary lasting 24-48 hours.

My baby is premature, can osteopathy help?

Yes, the intervention of the osteopath shortens the duration in intensive care and in the neonatal unit

Does my baby need Cranial osteopathy?

Yes at 1 week, 1 month and 3 months. 1 week to take care of everything related to birth, Torticollis, difficulty breastfeeding, hypotonia... 1 month for everything related to the intrauterine process, Torticollis, flat head, gas, colic, sleep disorder. At 3 months, this allows you to check if everything is going well

Do Osteopaths help babies sleep?

Yes, in some cases Osteopathy will  help your baby sleep better. Most of baby's sleep disorders are usually linked to gas, reflux, muscle tension.

The Osteopath will provide proper treatment to address efficiently these situations.

Sports and Body Pain Related FAQs

Can Osteopathy Help me avoid a Surgery ?

Osteopathy addresses functional pathologies. So, if the origin of surgery is organic (fracture, cancer) osteopathy is not the solution. However,  for several hernias, nerve pain, chronic pain, osteopathy can avoid surgery or allow you to postpone it (hip osteoarthritis, etc.).
In the same way, osteopathy helps a lot in post surgery for a good recovery and offers complementary support to physiotherapy.

Why should I avoid doing Sport or Dancing after a Session ?

After an osteopathy session your body is adapting and healing.
So,  going for an immediate violent or intense effort is not recommended as it will push the body to adapt to this effort instead of focusing on the healing process.
It is advisable to reStrain from any physical activities for at least 24h.

Sports: Reduce physical Effort

Your Osteopath's Recommandation

Recommandations ? What recommandations ?

Once you have undergone an osteopathic session, the osteopath should give you some recommendations. This is to ensure the effectiveness of your treatment.