Dr Fatima Abdeljallal

Dr. Fatima Abdeljallal
SENIOR OSTEOPATH – 14+ Experience
Dr F.Abdeljallal is a french Morocan National. Coming from Grasse in France, she has specialized in Neonatalogy. She started working as an independant osteopath for 6 years, before joining Pediadtrics Departement in Public Hospital.
Passionate about babies, she has developed her own osteopathic synergistic approach to breastfeeding and lactation through her soft techniques .
Position Senior Osteopath
Independent practice, 6 years (France)
Espace Santé Les Lucioles, 6 Years (Valbonne)
Centre Hospitalier, 4 Years (Grasse)
Osteopathic Specialties
❒ Neonates, Infants & Childs
❒ Women’s Health & Pregnancy
❒ Breastefeeding & Lactation
❒ Senior & Elder Women
Centre d’Osteopathie ATMAN – Valbonne
DU in Lactation – Marseille
Professional Recognitions
Master Degree in Lactation (Marseille)
Master Degree in Breastfeeding (Marseille)
Osteopathic Associations
❒ Asian Foodie (Japanese, Chinese, Korean… )
❒ Asian & Korean Culture Fan (K-Drama, …)
❒ Sport (Mostly Running)
and of course .. Osteopathy.
Today, she has settled in Dubai, to provide your with her unique set of technique and experience.
Osteopathy, A Smile of Fate...
by Dr. Fatima Abdeljallal
Born in Grasse, in the south of France, I was raised along with my four brothers within an open Moroccan family culture. During my early childhood, being the third in line, I started taking care of them since they were babies. That’s probably why I still remember today that moment, when I was asked at school what I wanted to be when I grew up… “I want to take care of babies”, I replied
It wasn’t yet clear in my mind at this time how I could achieve that and what job would help me fulfill my dream. What was, however, is that I wanted to be strong to be successful in life, like my brothers.
So, I followed their footsteps and started scientific studies. This led me to follow a doctor’s path to become a pediatrician. However, I as needed more contact, more empathy with babies… I was at a crossroad as it didn’t feel right. What should I do ?
And one day, as i remembered that “God never tests you beyond your abilities”, I was enlightened when I learnt about osteopathy – an alternative medicine that heals without medication, just with our hands.
Wow !!… Being able to heal these little ones simply through touch seemed so incredible and so beautiful at the same time. That was it! I found what I wanted to do! I could feel it deep within, I knew that was my way!
So I took up the challenge and signed up for 5 years of Osteopathic studies At ATMAN and naturally specialized in everything related to perinatology (pregnancy, post-delivery…). As soon as I graduated, I started, as an auto-entrepreneur my own practice and provided home service for around 6 years. During which, I was blessed to meet Dr Veronique Gaid, gynecologist specialized in infertility, who comforted me in that we are here to heal people, to help, understand, listen…
As we began working together, she untrusted me with her patients, I was brought to handle different challenging cases. There, from women health issues (i.e endometriosis …) to more severe conditions, i developed my specific skill set through Soft Osteopathy techniques (visceral, Craniosacral …). But I also met Ghislaine Mandet, both Midwife and lactation consultant working with us, whom I saved from stopping her breastfeeding through osteopathy. It meant so much to her and was so gratify to me. At that time, I still had not yet realized what I had done for her. It felt like it was just like any session where I could help a mother solve her problem, and I was happy about it, but there was more to it….
It’s only as I became a mother myself, that I finally understood all these mothers who cried, were tired and who did not want to give up breastfeeding. That’s when i was given the opportunity to be one of the few osteopaths in France to join a neonatology & maternity department of the Pediatric Department in Grasse public Hospital, I successfully took care many breastfeeding challenging cases while upgrading my osteopathy skills thus saving many breastfeeding journeys.
Strengthen by these amazing experience, i felt that I needed to better understand breastfeeding physiology. I wanted effectively combine it with osteopathy. So, although COVID breakout had started, I enrolled in a University Degree in Lactation in Marseille (2021).
Till I graduated, I had to face many the many challenges life had for me. And since “Fate smiles on those who untiringly grapple with stark realities of life”, I moved to Dubai with my daughter to continue to share what I know, learn from others, listen, and help…