Growing awareness ...
Educating Society about Osteopathy
Thank to technological advance in Healthcare, Food and Hygiene have considerably improved the quality of our lives. Still, something more needs to be improved which can be done only by educating all individuals at every level.
The wellness of the Society relies on how its citizens are educated on healthcare services and thus on how inquisitive they are on the treatment offered.
Educating Society spreads awareness which helps questioning and gives analytical mind. At the end, it helps people make their own enlightened choices.

Osteopathy provides a healthier lifestyle and helps being more productive. At PHHC Osteopathic center, our highly qualified Osteopath provides free interventions to sensitize people to the various applications of osteopathy, its professional fields and benefits.
Who is concerned ?
Schools, Universities & Associations

Education start at home within the family. As we grow, in school, universities and the communities we are associated with. Through these channels, PHHC offers people to discover the various applications of osteopathy: its benefits
and how it can help in both personal and professional fields. This done by visiting your establishment for half a day.
Healthcare Professionals & Medical Structures

Educating healthcare practitioners about Osteopathy is tricky. Indeed, as osteopathy is still making its way to being an evidence based medicine. Many doctors are still not well aware of how it works and when it should be recommended.
Therefore, as this more a professional approach, PHHC Osteopathic Center animates meet ups around topic of concerns.
How does it work ?
A Master Osteopath will be presenting and explaining osteopathy. Furthermore, He will define with you which professional osteopathic fields you wish to be discovered. Our goals are to help :
- Understanding the characteristics of osteopathy or the osteopathic sector, in a specific context and in several environments (healthcare, office, etc.)
- Enlightening participants on the different opportunities in osteopathy in term of jobs and aspirations
- Feeding the exchange with an osteopath through open questions
- Getting participants to tell about their representation of the world of healthcare and more specifically the profession of osteopath.
This is addressed to: all general practitioners, specialists, naturopathic physicians, dentists, massage and physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech and language pathologists, acupuncturists, and other professional bodyworkers…
Every participant(s) presents/exchanges and shares his/their professional experience. The goal is to learn/understand the benefits and limitations of Osteopathy : how it can help (or can’t) them in their practice?
Interested Practitioners formally gather at a place of their convenience. One or two make a small presentation around the topic and then discuss and network.
As of today, we are animating and sharing around the following topics :
- Perinatology
- People of Determination
In order to ensure effectiveness, we have to discuss your needs and interests through a meeting. So, there are different way to participate.
You can either:
- Fill the form and we will get back to you promptly.
- Give us a call to set up a meeting with us.